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Recipes > Vietnamese Pickles

<a href='../pages/recipes.php' title='Recipes'>Recipes</a> > Vietnamese Pickles


  • 2 lbs white radishes
  • 1 carrot (about 2 ounces)

Preparation Method

1. Peel carrot and radishes. Slice them thinly or cut them in small strips. Add 2 teaspoons salt. Mix well, allow to stand 5 min. Rinse well.

2. Mix 5 tablespoons sugar with 1 cup vinegar. Marinate radishes and carrot slices or strips in the sugar and vinegar mixture 1 hour before serving.
It can be made in advance and kept in refrigerator for about a week.

3. Vietnamese pickles are to be served with meat dishes such as charcoal grilled pork
Pork chop or tenderloin with spices or with Vietnamese Rolls
Vietnamese crepes and fried rice